Will You Help Us Plant?


Utah is a mission field.  According to ARDA, only 3.3% are Christian.*   In the name of Jesus, we are seeking to make disciples and gather them into a church.  We're calling that church Redeeming Life.  For us it starts in the northwest corner of the Salt Lake valley and it won't be easy.  It's called church planting and most new churches, that is, church plants, just don't make it in Salt Lake.  Few church thrive here at all.  It's a very dry part of the Lord's Vineyard.

It is our prayer to be a self-autonomous, self-sustaining, self-propagating church in three years, but in the meantime we need your help.  We have a great supporting/sending church called Risen Life. They're carrying the brunt of the support, but they can't do it alone.

We're presently meeting in the Risen Life Church building on Sunday evenings and in homes throughout the week, but we're not in the area where we need to be.  At some point soon, we're going to need to rent some space, but that requires funds.  We'll need to put a small amount of equipment in that space, which we don't have yet.  We'll need Bibles and supplies.  Resources are needed to serve the community and engage in outreach.  It would be tremendous to have financial support for interns to help me equip our entire team to be missionaries in this hard field.

Will you help us reach Salt Lake for Jesus?

It doesn't take much to help us. First and foremost, please pray for us.  Please commit to praying often for Redeeming Life Church and our mission in Salt Lake City.

If you can financially support us with a one-time gift or some regular support to get us started, make your check out to our sending and equipping church, "Risen Life Church" and send it to 2780 East 3900 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84124.  Please write "Redeeming Life" in the memo line.  You can also give online here: https://risenlifeutah.onthecity.org/give.  Please remember to select the "Redeeming Life" dropdown option. Anything helps and we're very grateful.

And if God might be calling you to Salt Lake long-term or maybe for a short-term mission trip, please don't hesitate to contact us.  We'd love to have you join us in our mission to the unreached!

Thank you and may God abundantly bless you,
Pastor Bryan

* By Christian, I mean those who hold to a trinitarian view of the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit; believe that salvation is by grace alone, and confirm that the 66 books of the Bible are the Word of God and the only source of scriptural divine authority.  Compare that to Texas at 32.2% or Alabama at 50.4%. The national average is 23.5%. Utah County, which includes the city of Provo records only 0.82% Christians and there are three counties in Utah that are so low they are statistically reported at 0%. If Utah were its own nation, the number of Christians per capita would rank below China (8.2%), and the United Arab Emirates (12.6%).

Update: 12/21/2014


Philippians 2: A Model for 2015