Update: 1/4/2015

Redeeming Life family,

Happy New Year!  It's a new year, but if we're honest, there's nothing special about the first day of the month, or even the fourth.  But January is a time when we tend to look ahead more than we look back.  Remember our little church in your prayers as we journey ahead.  I pray it will be an amazing year!

Here are some things to be aware of this week:

Children’s Ministry: Is available for toddlers (walking) through pre-school. All other children will be in the service with their parents. We'll dismiss the kids during our service but they need to be signed in order to be released.

Family Huddle: Families, join us for a 15-minute devotional and discussion Sundays at 3:30pm. Everybody is welcome and children are highly encouraged!  We'll be discussing the sermon that will be preached during the service and make our best effort to help train up our kiddos in the way of the Lord.

House Fellowships: Looking to grow spiritually in 2015?  Please consider getting involved with a House Fellowship.

Soli Deo gloria!
Pastor Bryan

Romans 6:1-14


Romans 5:12-21, The Great Exchange