Update, 2/1/2015
Redeeming Life Church,
I guess there's some kind of big sporting event today. What a great opportunity to connect with your neighbors and co-workers! If you have been invited to a part where there will be people who don't know Jesus, we want you to miss church and go to the party. Be intentional. Foster relationships with people. Love people out of your love for God and watch for opportunities to share the gospel with your friends. Let's be a blessing to the community around us.
We want to be a church body that's serious about the gospel. As such, we seek to introduce people to the love and salvation of Jesus Christ and then walk them into a full, mature life with their Risen Lord. This means we may need to faithfully take risk we might not normally take. Some of us need to lay down our pride for the sake of the gospel. Some of us need a little courage. And all of us must be praying. We need to pray for opportunities, courage, humility, the words to speak, and for the lost people around us.
Redeeming Life, I have set a personal goal to make at least 20 gospel-sharing contacts per month. I also want to be in a regular relationship with 40 people who do not know Jesus. But I don't want to end there, I also desire to walk alongside believers to help them grow. I'm working to disciple a small group of potential leaders and I want to walk alongside new Christians too. I am asking God who these folks might be. I'm encouraging our staff team to set some personal objectives to do the same. I hope you will consider setting some ambitions disciple-making goals in your life as well.
I want to see the gospel spread through Salt Lake like a brushfire. Will you join me in both prayer and faithful action?
There are some other things of which we'd like to make you aware this week:
Evangelism Conference – There is a free evangelism conference in Layton Friday afternoon (2/6) and Saturday morning (2/7). Some of our staff is attending and we’d love to have you join us. If you’re interested, please let me know.
Moving Forward – I have officially made it through the NAMB assessment and now the hard work begins. We will be working to incorporate as a legal organization, we are looking for meeting space that’s within our means, and we want to get serious about reaching and being a blessing to the northwest quadrant of the Salt Lake valley. Please keep these efforts in your prayers.
Evangelism Resources – Bibles, tracts, and evangelism training materials are available in the back of our worship service. Please consider taking something and using it to reach the lost people in your community. And by all means, please share your stories with us! We want to hear how it’s going and how we can be praying for you.
You guys are a blessing and I thank God for you often.
Pastor Bryan
Redeeming Life Church,
I guess there's some kind of big sporting event today. What a great opportunity to connect with your neighbors and co-workers! If you have been invited to a part where there will be people who don't know Jesus, we want you to miss church and go to the party. Be intentional. Foster relationships with people. Love people out of your love for God and watch for opportunities to share the gospel with your friends. Let's be a blessing to the community around us.
We want to be a church body that's serious about the gospel. As such, we seek to introduce people to the love and salvation of Jesus Christ and then walk them into a full, mature life with their Risen Lord. This means we may need to faithfully take risk we might not normally take. Some of us need to lay down our pride for the sake of the gospel. Some of us need a little courage. And all of us must be praying. We need to pray for opportunities, courage, humility, the words to speak, and for the lost people around us.
Redeeming Life, I have set a personal goal to make at least 20 gospel-sharing contacts per month. I also want to be in a regular relationship with 40 people who do not know Jesus. But I don't want to end there, I also desire to walk alongside believers to help them grow. I'm working to disciple a small group of potential leaders and I want to walk alongside new Christians too. I am asking God who these folks might be. I'm encouraging our staff team to set some personal objectives to do the same. I hope you will consider setting some ambitions disciple-making goals in your life as well.
I want to see the gospel spread through Salt Lake like a brushfire. Will you join me in both prayer and faithful action?
There are some other things of which we'd like to make you aware this week:
Evangelism Conference – There is a free evangelism conference in Layton Friday afternoon (2/6) and Saturday morning (2/7). Some of our staff is attending and we’d love to have you join us. If you’re interested, please let me know.
Moving Forward – I have officially made it through the NAMB assessment and now the hard work begins. We will be working to incorporate as a legal organization, we are looking for meeting space that’s within our means, and we want to get serious about reaching and being a blessing to the northwest quadrant of the Salt Lake valley. Please keep these efforts in your prayers.
Evangelism Resources – Bibles, tracts, and evangelism training materials are available in the back of our worship service. Please consider taking something and using it to reach the lost people in your community. And by all means, please share your stories with us! We want to hear how it’s going and how we can be praying for you.
You guys are a blessing and I thank God for you often.
Pastor Bryan