Easter Highlights

We enjoyed worshipping our risen Savior together and meeting many new people from the community during our first Easter Sunrise Service ever in Rose Park. While this was one of our first official gatherings in Rose Park, there were about 60 people in attendance which included our core team, a good amount of guests from the community, and many from our sending church, Risen Life Church

In addition to a wonderful service, we were blessed with other opportunities to get the message out to Salt Lake City that we are a new church coming to the Rose Park area. KSL News came and joined us for our Easter sunrise service and filmed portions of it for an evening news segment! Watch the news segment here. And if that weren't enough excitement for one day, that afternoon, KSL News also aired a 20 minute documentary which included our pastor Bryan and his family as well our one of our church services! To watch that video click here.

Check out this short one minute video with highlights from our Sunrise Service.

Be Not a Stumbling Block - Romans 14


Authority: My way or the highway?