“The End Is Near” (2 Timothy 4:6-8)
In a world where the end often feels near, Paul’s words to Timothy ring out with unshakable hope and enduring resolve. In his sermon, “The End Is Near” centered on 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Pastor Josiah shared how even though Paul is facing his final days in a cold prison cell, he has no reason to fear, because the reward waiting for him in eternity, far outweighs the hardships he has experienced in this life.
As Paul reflects on a life poured out like a drink offering to God—fiercely fought, faithfully completed, and steadfastly anchored in faith, there is a crown of righteousness that is waiting for Paul. This reward is not earned by his works but secured by his Redeemer. And the best part is, that same prize isn’t just for Paul—it’s for all who endure, who cling to Christ through every trial, and endure to the end by placing their faith in Him.
So, as the clock ticks and eternity looms, the question remains: Are we living for ourselves, chasing fleeting highs “our way,” or are we ready to die for the One who promises life beyond the grave? The end is near, but for the faithful, it’s only the beginning of glory.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, March 30th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church.
Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Keep On Truckin’” (2 Timothy 3:14-17)
In his sermon, “Keep On Truckin’” based on 2 Timothy 3:14-17, Pastor Josiah emphasizes the importance of holding fast to Christ and His teachings, especially in times of suffering and persecution. He reminds us that, just as Timothy was encouraged to stay rooted in what he had learned, we too must cling to the truth of Scripture, which is inspired, profitable, authoritative, and beneficial for the work that God has given us to do. By standing firm in God’s Word, we gain the strength to endure challenges and finish well in our faith journey. Pastor Josiah urges us to remember that true resilience comes from relying on Christ and remaining steadfast in His truth.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, March 16th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church.
Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Mentorship Matters” (2 Timothy 3:10-13)
In his sermon entitled "Mentorship Matters," Pastor Josiah emphasizes the importance of learning from godly mentors by looking at Paul’s relationship with Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:10-13. He highlights how Paul’s example—his teachings, way of life, faith, patience, and endurance—serve as a model for us today. Pastor Josiah encourages us to seek out mentors who will guide us in our faith journey and reminds us that living for Christ often comes with challenges, including persecution. However, by staying rooted in Scripture and following the example of strong Christian mentors, we can stand firm and grow in our walk with God.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church.
Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Surviving Hard Times” (2 Timothy 3:1-9)
In his sermon, “Surviving Hard Times” centered on 2 Timothy 3:1-9, Pastor Josiah examined Paul's counsel to Timothy about the last days, where people will turn away from God and false teachers will lead many astray. Just as Timothy faced challenges in Ephesus, we, too, navigate a broken world filled with deception and hardship. Yet, Paul’s words serve as an encouragement—reminding us that hardships in life are a sign of the times, not a reason to lose heart. As believers, we must stand firm in the truth of the Gospel, avoid distractions from false teachings, and embrace the reality that following Christ will often be difficult, but always worth it.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“The Fine China” (2 Timothy 2:20-26)
This week, we were truly blessed by Pastor Erik Tisher from Sojourn Church, who delivered a powerful sermon titled 'The Fine China' based on 2 Timothy 2:20-26. It's part of our ongoing series 'Endure,' exploring the book of 2 Timothy.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, February 23rd, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“The Approved Worker” (2 Timothy 2:14-19)
What is the best way to combat false teachings in the church? What role do all Christians—not just pastors—have in rightly handling God’s Word? In his sermon, "An Approved Worker," based on 2 Timothy 2:14-19, Pastor Josiah unpacks these questions and challenges believers to stand firm on biblical truth. As followers of Christ, it’s important that we take the time to know and teach Scripture accurately so that we are equipped to share the gospel with confidence in any situation.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, February 16th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Remember Christ In Your Suffering” (2 Timothy 2:8-13)
Join us this week as we continue in our series through 2nd Timothy as Pastor Josiah delivers a message entitled, “Remember Christ In Your Suffering,” centered on 2 Timothy 2:8-13. In his message, Pastor Josiah outlines the importance of remembering Jesus Christ and holding on to His faithful promises to help us endure times of trials or suffering.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, February 9th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Endure In Grace” (2 Timothy 2:1-7)
What does it look like to remain strong in the grace of Christ Jesus? How do the roles of Soldier, Athlete, and Farmer relate to the gospel ministry? How can we ensure that others will carry the gospel forward after we are gone? In his sermon, “Endure In Grace” centered on 2 Timothy 2:1-7, Pastor Josiah answers these questions and more as he shares how it is only through the grace of Christ that we are able to stand tall and finish well. As sinful fallen people not only are we dependent on the grace of God for our salvation, but we still need the grace of God after we are saved to help sanctify us and equip us to persevere until the Christ’s return.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, February 2nd, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Hold Fast” (2 Timothy 1:13-18)
This week we are continuing in our sermon series through the book of 2nd Timothy as Pastor Josiah delivers a sermon centered on 2 Timothy 1:13-18. In his sermon, “Hold Fast,” Pastor Josiah stressed the importance of holding fast to the gospel and standing firm on the truth of God’s word. Just as in Timothy’s day, there are heretics and false gospels that are seeking to wreak havoc on the church and draw people away from God. It is in light of these threats against the church that Paul encouraged Timothy to hold fast to sound teaching and that we too as 21st Century Christians must stand vigilant as we guard the truth of scripture and help point others to Christ.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, January 26th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Walk Boldly” (2 Timothy 1:6-12)
As Christians, many of us will experience hardships and difficulties in this life as a result of our faith in Christ. In his sermon, “Walk Boldly,” centered on 2 Timothy 1:6-12, Pastor Josiah speaks to the importance of enduring suffering for the sake of the gospel as he examines Paul’s charge to Timothy not to be ashamed of the gospel, but to endure and remain steadfast until Timothy finishes the race set before him. May we all heed Paul’s sound advice as we seek to remain faithful until the end and walk boldly with the Lord each day.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, January 19th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Living On Mission” (Mark 16:15)
Join us this week as Pastor Jeff Winters (Guest Preacher) outlines what it means to “Live On Mission” as he unpacked Christ’s command from Mark 16:15, in which Christ instructed his followers to go out into all the world proclaiming the good news of the gospel. We all know that as Christians it is important that we share the gospel with those who are lost. But what does that actually look like in our everyday lives? Tune in to this week’s sermon to find out.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, January 12th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Heritage of Faith” (2 Timothy 1:1-7)
Join us this week as we begin a new study through the book of 2nd Timothy. In his sermon, 'Heritage of Faith,' based on 2 Timothy 1:1-7, Pastor Josiah explores Paul’s heartfelt encouragement to Timothy to remain steadfast in faith and endure challenges for the sake of the gospel. This message emphasizes the importance of passing down a 'heritage of faith' and persevering through hardship. It invites us to reflect on how we can nurture and sustain our own faith in the face of adversity while challenging us to pray for one another, encourage each other, and hold tightly to the gospel as we seek to finish the race set before us.
This sermon was preached on Sunday, January 5th, 2025 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2025 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit our website RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“How To Pray” (Matthew 6:5-15)
Do you ever struggle with knowing what to pray or even how to pray? Join us this week as Pastor Josiah preaches a sermon entitled, “How To Pray,” centered on Matthew 6:5-15. In his sermon, Pastor Josiah walks through the Lord’s Prayer verse by verse and unpacks the model for prayer that Christ gave to us during his sermon on the mount.
This sermon was recorded on December 29th, 2024 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2024 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“A Tale of Two Kings” (Matthew 2:1-12)
This week we continued in our Christmas series as Pastor Josiah preached a sermon centered on Matthew 2:1-12. In his sermon, Pastor Josiah shared the importance of worshiping Christ and seeking him first above all other things in this world.
This sermon was recorded on December 22, 2024 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2024 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“The Promise Delivered” (Luke 2:1-20)
This week we are continuing in our Christmas sermon series as Pastor Josiah delivered a sermon centered on Luke 2:1-20. In his sermon Pastor Josiah shared how Christ’s birth in Bethlehem was not only the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy but that through his birth, Christ became the Lord, Messiah, and Savior that the world had been longing for and is still in need of today.
This sermon was recorded on December 15th, 2024 at Redeeming Life Church. Copyright 2024 Redeeming Life Church. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“The Promise Fulfilled” (Luke 1:5-38)
How can we know that John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy? How can we trust in the promises of God? What does it look like to truly be a servant of the Lord? How can we find contentment in this life?
In his sermon, “The Promise Fulfilled,” centered on Luke 1:5-38, Pastor Josiah answered these questions and others as he shared how we can trust in God’s promises because He is faithful to do what He said he would do. As Christians, it’s important that we follow God’s instructions and look to Christ for our contentment, not just at Christmas, but throughout the entire year.
This sermon was preached on December 1st, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“A Final Promise” (Malachi 3:1-6 & 4:1-6)
How would those living 2000 years ago know that Christ was the Messiah? What signs were they looking for? Who was the Elijah that would prepare the way for Christ’s arrival? And how can we know for sure that Christ will return again one day?
In his sermon, “A Final Promise,” centered on Malachi 3:1-6 & 4:1-6, Pastor Josiah Walker addressed these questions as he shared how the birth of Christ was foretold through the prophet Malachi and showed how John the Baptist was a servant of Christ and a messenger of the kingdom.
This sermon was preached on December 1st, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“The Gospel Prevails” (Acts 11:27-12:25)
What do we do when it appears that all hope is lost? How should we respond when we are persecuted for our faith? What does it look like to trust God and truly rely on Him?
In his sermon, “The Gospel Prevails,” centered on Acts 11:27-12:25, Pastor Josiah answers these questions and others as he shares how like Peter and the first-century church we can turn to Christ, place our faith in Him and trust that He will always be there for us.
No matter what difficulties we face in this life, we know that Christ builds his church and that the gospel will always prevail!
This sermon was preached on November 24th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“Factions & Family” (Acts 11:1-30)
What happens when people join our church who are different than we are? How should we react when other believers have different preferences or opinions about various matters than we do? Are Christians allowed to associate with people who aren’t like them?
In his sermon, “Factions & Family,” centered on Acts 11:1-30, Pastor Jeff Winters (Guest Preacher) addressed these questions as he shared how as Christians, we are commanded to share the good news of Jesus Christ with everyone and be obedient to the Spirit’s leading as Jesus saves a people for himself.
In the Church of Christ there is no such thing as second-class members. As believers, each one of us has been redeemed by Christ regardless of our differences. Therefore, we should ensure that there are no isolating factions or destructive behaviors among our brothers and sisters but rather be committed to following Jesus as a faithful family of believers.
This sermon was preached on November 17th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
“The Gospel Reach” (Acts 9:32-10:48)
Are Christians still required to follow the dietary restrictions outlined in the Old Testament? How did food restrictions hinder the advancement of the gospel to the Gentiles? How did God use complimentary visions to show Peter that what God has called clean, we cannot call unclean.
In his sermon, “Gospel Reach,” centered on Acts 9:32-10:48, Pastor Josiah answered these questions and others as he shared how God used complimentary visions to show Peter that what God has called clean, we cannot call unclean.
Copyright 2024 RedeemingLifeUtah.org