"Be The Church” (1 Timothy 6:17-21)

Is it wrong for a Christian to be rich? What does it look like to be a generous giver? What role should Christians play when it comes to defending God’s word? What does it mean to be entrusted with the gospel?

In his message “Be The Church,” based on 1 Timothy 6:17-21, Pastor Josiah shares how it is important for us to be kingdom minded rather than focused solely on the temporary things of this life, what’s here today and gone tomorrow.

He also shares how, as Christians, it is important that we guard the truth of the gospel and stand firm on the solid rock of Christ Jesus. 

This sermon was preached on August 25th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.


“Mission Possible” (Acts 1:1-11)


“A Charge to Keep” (1 Timothy 6:11-16)