“Honoring Others Honors God” (1 Timothy 5:1-6:2)

What does honoring each other look like in the Bible? Who are the true widows? Who is the Church supposed to help?

In his sermon, “Honoring Others Honors God” (1 Timothy 5:1-6:2), Robbie Tschorn answers these questions and more as he speaks about the call for believers to honor God by honoring others.

Christians are representatives of Jesus and get the wonderful privilege and opportunity of modeling the Gospel to the world. In 1 Timothy, Paul says that this is accomplished by encouraging everyone, taking care of those in need, looking out for your local Pastor, and honoring those who are in authority over you. These are simple, yet Biblical ways to honor and please God. When a church follows these commands, along with the rest laid out in Paul’s letter, they will be the Church that God intends them to be.

This sermon was preached on August 4th, 2024. Copyright 2024. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.


“Satisfied with Christ” (1 Timothy 6:1-10)


“Committed to Godliness” (1 Timothy 4:1-16)