God-Given Government Authority (Romans 13:1-7)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s series through the book of Romans. In his sermon “God-Given Government Authority” (Romans 13:1-7), he proclaims Paul’s point behind the passage: Christians should submit to governing authorities because these authorities are empowered by God for God’s purposes.
This sermon was preached on July 9th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
How We Live (Romans 12:9-21)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s series through the book of Romans. In his sermon “How We Live” (Romans 12:9-21), he reflects on his past as an unbeliever and the experiences he had with those who were Christian by name only. He calls for true believers to be a people who lovingly point those who view God as austere and domineering to the caring God of the Bible who loves them more than they could ever comprehend.
This sermon was preached on July 2nd, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
A Body Out Of This World (Romans 12:3-8)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s series through the book of Romans. In his sermon “A Body Out Of This World” (Romans 12:3-8), he teaches that the Christian is called to think highly of others and treat them with honesty and humility. They do this to be a functioning part of Christ’s Body (His Church).
This sermon was preached on June 23rd, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Living Sacrifices (Romans 12:1-2)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s series through the book of Romans. In his sermon “Living Sacrifices”, he explains the purpose and importance of Romans 12:1-2. This passage connects chapters 1-11 (the theology of the Gospel) with chapters 12:3-16:27 (the daily practice of the Gospel). Both the Christian and the non-Christian are challenged to surrender their entire lives over to Christ.
This sermon was preached on June 18th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Theology Is Doxology (Romans 11:33-36)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s series through the book of Romans. In his sermon “Theology Is Doxology” (Romans 11:33-36), he teaches on Paul’s outburst of praise in light of the robust theology he laid out for his audience: the 1st century Roman church and today’s Christian. Pastor Bryan makes it clear that correct theology (the study of God) leads to correct doxology (the praise of God). Without those elements and without that order we have idolatry (the worship of something other than the one true God).
This sermon was preached on June 11th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Holy Root - Holy Branches (Romans 11:11-32)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s series through the book of Romans. In his sermon "Holy Root - Holy Branches" (Romans 11:11-32), he explains Paul’s point for Romans 9-11: God is successfully carrying out His plan for His glory. He’s keeping His promises to His people according to and for His purpose.
This sermon was preached on June 4th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
God's Promises For God's People (Romans 11:1-10)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s series through the book of Romans. In his sermon “God's Promises For God's People” (Romans 11:1-10), he shows the listener how God keeps His promises towards those who are His. God loves His chosen people and He won’t reject them. Christian brother or sister, be encouraged by this sermon: God will keep His Word.
This sermon was preached on May 28th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Without Excuse (Romans 10:14-21)
Join us as Pastor Josiah Walker preaches the latest sermon in RLC’s Romans series. In his sermon “Without Excuse” (Romans 10:14-21), he explains Paul’s argument that the message about Christ has been made known to the world and the world is indeed without excuse. Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He calls us to not be like the Israelites who rejected the message, but rather those who receive it.
This sermon was preached on May 21st, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Righteousness That Speaks (Romans 10:1-13)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman returns to the sermon series Romans: The Theology of Christ. In this sermon, “Righteousness That Speaks” (Romans 10:1-13), he proclaims that salvation for the Israelites of the Old Testament came the same way it comes to us today: by hearing God’s message and believing in God’s message (Deuteronomy 30:11-16). Listen along as he shows us how Paul’s argument in Romans 10:1-13 fits in the big picture of God’s Kingdom narrative. Praise God for His unchanging plan of redemption!
This sermon was preached on May 14th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Bleeding Bibline (Jude 3)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the final sermon of RLC’s Jude series: Contend For Your Faith. In this sermon, “Bleeding Bibline” (Jude 3), he declares that when the Gospel shapes the Christian’s thoughts, actions, and words as a result of their lives being saturated by the Gospel, they won’t be able to stop themselves from pouring it out to the world.
This sermon was preached on May 7th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Dangerous Reefs (Jude 3-19)
On April 30th, Pastor Bryan Catherman preached Jude 3-19. In his sermon, “Dangerous Reefs” (Jude 3-19), he proclaimed Jude’s warning to us to watch out for false teachers. What do they look like? How do we examine them? And what do we do about the wolves and false teachers in the church today? For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Sticks on Fire (Jude 22-23)
On April 23rd, Pastor Bryan Catherman preached Jude 22-23. In his sermon, “Sticks on Fire” (Jude 22-23), he explored Jude’s instruction for how brothers and sisters are called to help one another who are doubting, dabbling in sin, or consumed with it. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Build Yourselves Up (Jude 20-21)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches the first sermon of our Jude series: Contend For Your Faith. In this sermon, “Build Yourselves Up”, he makes the point from Jude 20-21 that the Christian must contend for their faith as there are sadly many false doctrines being taught in the church today. The best way to do this, as Pastor Bryan states from God’s Word, is to build up oneself on the pure and true foundation of the Christian faith: Jesus Christ.
This sermon was preached on April 16, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Life In His Name (John 20:30-31)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches John 20:30-31. In this Easter sermon, “Life In His Name”, he puts the question out there that we all must answer: “Do I believe that Jesus is Who He says He is?” Though we can’t see the miracles of Jesus in person, we are counted as blessed when we believe on Him without having seen them. In light of Christ’s resurrection, the Christian is one who should take their faith seriously and live for Him.
This sermon was preached on April 9, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Mission Accomplished (John 19:28-30)
Join us as Pastor Josiah Walker preaches John 19:28–30. In this Good Friday sermon, “Mission Accomplished”, he proclaims the truth that Christ alone paid the price for our sins to redeem us, rescuing us from the domain of darkness. Nothing needs to be done or can be done on our part to contribute to our salvation. The work of reconciling man to God was accomplished through Christ’s work on the cross. Thus, “it is finished”. In light of this finished work of Jesus, Christians should ask themselves, “am I living a life that glorifies the Lord, a life submitted to the Lordship of Jesus in all that I do?”
This sermon was preached on April 7, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
How You Finish (John 12:12-15)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches John 12:12-15. In this Palm Sunday sermon, “How You Finish”, he speaks about how the people cheered “Hosanna” as Jesus triumphantly entered the city of Jerusalem, yet a week later they cried “crucify Him!” Pastor Bryan proclaims that when we come to the end of our lives our praises need to match the praises that we started off with. It’s not simply how we start with Jesus, but how we end we with Jesus.
This sermon was preached on April 2, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
The Stumbling Block of Faith (Romans 9:30-33)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches Romans 9:30-33. In his sermon, “The Stumbling Block of Faith”, he declares that our salvation is not and cannot be dependent upon our own efforts. Salvation is possible only by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
This sermon was preached on March 26, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
To Talk Back To God (Romans 9:14-29)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches Romans 9:14-29. In his sermon, “To Talk Back To God”, he proclaims that the Christian should trust God and submit to His instruction no matter how difficult His Word might be to understand. This sermon addresses the questions man raises regarding the fairness of God. God’s Word is clear: we must trust His sovereignty and that He knows best.
This sermon was preached on March 19th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Promise Keeper (Romans 9:6-13)
Join us as Pastor Bryan Catherman preaches Romans 9:6-13. In his sermon, “Promise Keeper”, he proclaims this wonderful truth: God keeps His promises. Paul speaks about those that are ‘Israelites’ not by physical birth, but a spiritual birth: those whom God calls to Himself and saves. To help us understand how God keeps His promises even though we may think or believe He isn't keeping them, Isaiah 55 reminds us that God’s ways are not our ways, nor His thoughts our thoughts.
This sermon was preached on March 12th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.
Lost In Privilege (Romans 9:1-5)
Join Pastor Bryan Catherman as he preaches Romans 9:1-5. In his sermon, "Lost In Privilege", he sets the stage for chapters 9 through 11 of Romans where Paul answers many theologically heavy questions. Romans 9:1-5 addresses the nation of Israel, Paul’s kinsmen, his “flesh and blood”. Paul was grieved over their spiritual state. In the same way, Christians should be concerned, heart broken for the souls of lost family, friends, coworkers and whoever God places on their heart. And though heartbroken, they must also remember and trust in the fact that God is a God who saves.
We apologize for the sound quality of this sermon audio. Thank you for listening and for your understanding.
This sermon was preached on March 5th, 2023. Copyright 2023. For more information, please visit RedeemingLifeUtah.org.