For King and Country!

Happy Thanksgiving Redeeming Life! 

Don't forget that every 5th Sunday is family worship.  This Sunday is a 5th Sunday.  We're not worshiping "family," but we are worshiping with our families, as one big family in Christ.  This means all the kids will remain with us during the sermon and communion time.  We'll have activity sheets from them if necessary.

I'll be preaching from Nehemiah 11-12 this week.  It's a good reminder that Nehemiah was not just rebuilding a wall--he was on mission to rebuild God's people.  Everybody was called to worship God at the temple and in addition, everybody was called to give (which they covenanted to do in the previous chapter).  But some were called to more.  

In Nehemiah 11-12, we find that there were the Levites to work in the temple and the priests to conduct sacrifices.  There was also a need for guards on the wall and a worship team.  And 10% of God's people were called simply to be among the population of the Holy City.  They were asked to be present.  They were called to go to the less desired, possibly more difficult place and live on mission for God.  It may have been a tough call, which is why the blessed the volunteers.

Being an Army veteran, Nehemiah's situation reminds me of a famous piece of history from World War I.  James Flagg was commissioned to paint recruitment posters for the military. He painted 46 in all, but one has become iconic.  Pictured here is Flagg's most famous painting, "I Want You."  Knowing that the nation was at war, there's something catchy about this painting.  During WW I, the US was not a super power.  Military recruitment was not so simple.  And the nation was in great need.  The same was the case for Nehemiah.   And the same is true of us, only it is not the US that is calling us, it is God.   

Can you imagine what could happen in the world today if every established church called upon 10% of the people to go to a less desirable place to live, work, and play on mission for God?  Imagine if the recruitment poster wasn't Uncle Sam, but God.  Could you look at it and keep walking?  What would you think if that finger was pointing at you?  What if you were among the 10% asked to do hard things, in hard places, for God's Kingdom?  Could you say "yes" to the call?

We are called to serve God and his Kingdom.  All Christians are called to worship God, make disciples, and give their time, talent, and treasure.   Some are called to do more.  Some are called to lead.  Some are called to help others worship and grow.  Some are called to go live, work, and play in less desireable places.  Are you living up to your call to worship God, make disciples, and give?  Are you called to more? Are you among the 10%?  Is that finger pointing at you?  If so, what you are doing about it? 

I look forward to looking at this in more detail on Sunday.  See you then! 

Pastor Bryan 

P.S> Here's an update video for the week. 

Happy Thanksgiving. Pastor Bryan provides a brief update. Family Worship, 80/20, and more from Nehemiah.


Redeeming Life at the Senior Center


"We Will Walk In God's Law"