Announcements, 8/1

1st AND 3rd FELLOWSHIP GROUP | Pastor Bryan is leading a discussion-based fellowship group on the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month, starting September 19th.  They’ll meet at the Kneaders in North Salt Lake (1050 North 500 East, North Salt Lake, UT 84054) at 7 PM.  Together, they’ll discuss their way through books of the Bible.  It’s open to all, but there will not be childcare available.  The first book is Isaiah.  Direct any questions or comments to Pastor Bryan.   

2nd AND 4th LADIES’ NIGHT | Ladies, mark your calendars for a ladies’ night and Bible study on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month, starting September 12th.  Find more info in the Ladies of Redeeming Life group on Ream or reach out to Lisa Catherman or Krystyl Walker.

UISBC WOMENS RETREAT | The UISBC is hosting a women’s retreat called Journey.  It’s September 20-21 in Layton. It’s only $25 (before 9/9) and includes breakfast and lunch.  There’s more information on Realm or ask Lisa Catherman for more info.   

NEXTGEN NIGHT | Starting September 10th Pastor Bryan and Lisa will lead a night for young people (1st grade through senior high).  It’s on Tuesday nights from 6:30 to 8 PM at the church building.  If you are the parent of a person in this age range or a student and you’re interested, join the NEXTGEN group on Realm and plan on joining us.  Please direct your questions to Pastor Bryan. 

HOUSE OF PRAYER | We believe as the temple of the Living God, and as Jesus said his father’s house is a house of prayer, we are called to be a house of prayer.  Prayer should live and dwell in us.  One way we practice this is by gathering together for prayer.  We pray on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM at the church building.  Please come and join us.

EZRA SERMON SERIES | Our next sermon series—after Vision Sunday, is “Return.”  It’s a 11-week study through the book of Ezra.  If you’d like to dig in deeply, start reading this book a few times in preparation for our series.

QUESTIONS ABOUT FOLLOWING JESUS? | If you have questions about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, we would like to help.  Please don’t hesitate to reach out to Pastor Bryan, a Fellowship Group leader, a Worship Team leader, or other covenant member to discuss what it means to be a Christian.  We’d love to try to answer any questions you might have and pray with you.    

WHO ARE WE? | We are a church that hopes to see our community redeemed by the power of the gospel.  Redeeming Life Church exists to know, live, and proclaim the gospel.  We believe the God’s Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the inerrant story of the redemptive history of God—otherwise known as the gospel.  To be people who are immersed in knowing, living, and proclaiming the gospel, we follow the instructions of Christ to love God, love people, and make disciples.   

YOUR NEXT STEPS | We believe the Christian journey at Redeeming Life Church is a wonderful way for you to grow as a Christian and get involved with our faith-family at Redeeming Life Church.  Are you taking the next step in your journey?  What’s your next step?  1.  Worship weekly with the faith-family.  2. Engage in weekly Bible study with others.  3.  Join a Fellowship Group.  4 Serve the faith-family.  5.  Live on mission.   Are you willing to take the next simple step on your journey with Jesus?

RIGHTNOW MEDIA | RightNow Media is a great resource for discipleship. It’s an app that offers more than 15,000 Bible studies, kids’ cartoons, and so much more.  Use your computer, Roku, Chrome Cast, Amazon Fire Stick, or an Android or IOS device. If you’re not on it, our church will pay for your subscription. Go to the Redeeming Life website and find RightNow Media under the connect tab to sign up.   And, if you have friends who are not presently connected to an evangelical church, we’ll pay for their subscription.  Send them to the RightNow Media page on our website. 

RESOURCES FOR THE FAITH-FAMILY TABLE | Followers of Jesus should seek growth and maturity as they walk well with Jesus.  To help you on your journey, we’ve provided a table of various resources as we have them. The resources are free, first-come-first-served, and may help you faithfully make disciples of Jesus Christ.  Please be sure to check out the table and pick up anything you think may be helpful on your journey.

TEXT GIVING | If you would like to worship through faithful giving and use text messaging to do it, send “RLC $(insert desired amount)” to 73256.  The system will send you a secure link to complete your transaction and send you a giving receipt.  (This will also allow your donation to be tracked in our system so we can provide you with tax info in January.)  

NEED PRAYER? | Do you have a prayer request and would like our pastoral staff to pray for you?  You may email your prayer requests to or text (385) 368-6665.     

DISCIPLESHIP ESSENTIALS | We believe one-on-one and small group discipleship is a necessary part of the Christian journey toward maturity.  To assist you with a simple group or one-one-one facilitating method, we provide the Discipleship Essentials Bookmark.  It’s free and available on the Mission Resources table.  Grab a bookmark and a friend and start a discipleship relationship together!  

KEEP UP WITH WHAT’S HAPPENING | Realm has email options that serve to keep you informed with what’s happening at Redeeming Life. Select your settings so you get everything in a specific group, just updates, or a daily digest (one email per day with a summary).  The mobile app has options for push notifications.  Realm is our official location for church announcements so if you want to keep up with what’s happening, Realm is where it’s at.  

MEMBERSHIP | Are you ready to join our faith-family and serve on God’s mission with Redeeming Life Church?  If so, please contact Pastor Bryan about your next steps to become a member of Redeeming Life Church.  

ONE-ON-ONE DISCIPLESHIP | As disciples of Jesus, it’s important that we are in discipleship relationship where we are truly known by another believer and know that believer.  To make your discipleship time easier, we’ve provided a Discipleship Essentials Bookmark with simple questions in a simple discipleship framework.  They are on the Mission Resource table. 

STRUGGLING? | If you are struggling under the weight of life’s circumstances, sin, or spiritual attack, you don’t have to go through it alone.  God’s Church is his family and we are here to help.  If you are struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Fellowship Group Leader, another Covenant Member, or Pastor Bryan.  We will pray with you, walk alongside you, set up a time for Pastoral care or formal counseling.  You are not alone.

SERMON PODCAST | In the event that you miss a Sunday sermon because you are serving in Children’s Ministry or you are unable to be with us for the service all-together, you can always find an audio recording of the sermon on our website at

THANK YOU FOR GIVING | Thank you for your faithful giving on Sunday, by mail, text giving, and on Realm.  Your faithfulness keeps our ministry serving the Kingdom.  Thank you! 

JOURNEY THROUGH JOHN | Interested in a verse-by-verse study through the book of John.  Pastor Bryan is walking through the book of John, one verse at a time, by way of two-minute videos.  Find more at or follow on Facebook.  

FELLOWSHIP GROUPS | Are you connected in a Fellowship Group that meets mid-week?  If not, please contact Pastor Bryan about various groups and find a good fit today!  

WE NEED HELP THE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY | Here’s a great opportunity to serve and preach the gospel to the next generation of the Church.  Please consider volunteering in the Nursery or Pre-K classes, or serve as the helper/floater.  Also, please pray for a leader to lead this ministry.  It will most likely be on rotation, certainly not every week or as often as you might think.   Please contact Pastor Bryan for more info.

FACEBOOK | The fun thing about our Facebook page is all the photos and videos we share.  Want to keep up with the comings and goings of our faith-family?  Follow us on Facebook!

REDEEMING LIFE T-SHIRTS | New Redeeming Life adult and kid’s shirts are available for a donation of $10 or more.  Please see Pastor Bryan if you’d like a shirt.  

BIBLE STUDY ESSENTIALS | We believe studying God’s Word is extremely important.  To assist you with a simple but good method for Bible study, we provide the Bible Study Essentials Bookmark.  It’s free and available on the Mission Resources table.  Grab a bookmark and a friend and start your journey through the Bible together!  

MISSION RESOURCE TABLE | Every disciple should be seeking to make disciples as we follow Jesus.  To help equip you to engage in the work of the Great Commission, we provide free resources on a table in the back of the sanctuary.  The resources are free and may help you faithfully make disciples of Jesus Christ.   

PRAYER WALKING | Interested in joining God’s mission through prayer walking? It’s easy, but if you’d like more info, direction, and encouragement, chat with Pastor Bryan.  From time to time Redeeming Life Church travels to various parts of the state to join other Christians in prayer-walking activities.  It might be good to join them.

REALM | We use an online medium called Realm to stay informed and connected throughout the week.  You can join groups that offer much more in your Christian journey.  There’s a group for prayer requests, another for more Biblical study.  There are fellowship groups and community connection groups. There’s also an app for easy mobile use. If you are not yet on Realm, you can sign up at

SALTYBELIEVER.COM | Pastor Bryan keeps a website called The site features lots of Bible study and discipleship resources, videos, classes, and podcast called “Salty Believer Unscripted.” 

CSB BIBLE TRANSLATION | While we love many Bible translations at Redeeming Life Church, officially, we preach out of the Christian Standard Bible (CSV).  It’s not that we think this translation is perfect or the best, but that we settled on a specific translation, so you could bring a Bible and follow along if that’s your preference.  We also like both the CSB Study Bible and the ESV Study Bible, although we don’t argue that either are perfect. 

ANNIE ARMSTRONG OFFERING | If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the North American Mission Board’s church planting or SEND Relief work in North America, you may write your check to Redeeming Life Church and include “NAMB” or “Annie Armstrong Easter Offering” in the memo line or give online and put “NAMB” or “Annie Armstrong Easter Offering” in the note.  If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation on Realm, select the SBC Mission Offerings drop-down choice Or you may text "RLC SBC $" and the amount (following the $) to 73256. (Annie Armstrong was an instrumental woman who was instrumental in starting the Women’s Mission Union and raising support for mission work in North American.  This offering is named after her.)

LOTTIE MOON OFFERING | If you would like to make a donation to support the work of the International Mission Board mission work overseas, you may write your check to Redeeming Life Church and include “IMB” or “Lottie Moon Christmas Offering” in the memo line or give online and put “IMB” or “Lottie Moon Christmas Offering” in the note. If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation on Realm, select the SBC Mission Offerings drop-down choice.  Or you may text "RLC SBC $" and the amount (following the $) to 73256.  (Lottie Moon was a brave woman who served as an SBC missionary to China for over 40 years. This offering is named after her.)

YORK DILLMAN OFFERING | If you would like to make a donation to support the work of missions and church planting through the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention, you may write your check to Redeeming Life Church and include “York-Dillman” in the memo line or give online and put “York-Dillman” in the note.  If you’d like to make a tax-deductible donation on Realm, select the SBC Mission Offerings drop-down choice. Or you may text "RLC SBC $" and the amount (following the $) to 73256. You will promptly receive a response with instructions and a secure link to follow.   (York and Dillman are the last names of the first people to plant SBC churches in Idaho and Utah.  Our UISBC special offering is named after them.)


"Proclaim the Gospel, Always" (2 Timothy 4:1-22)


"Let There Be Light"