"Proclaim the Gospel, Always" (2 Timothy 4:1-22)

In the last chapter of Paul’s last letter to Timothy, maybe his last letter ever, Paul charges Timothy to preach the gospel in season and out of season. The timeless principle extends to every Christian. We’re all called to proclaim the gospel. Pastor Bryan Catherman digs into this text and preaches it through a series of answering ten big, hard questions.

There’s a growing idea that it’s not the Christian’s job to share the gospel, but instead it should be the job of the pastor. There are seasons when the Christian Church does not have favor in the community, but we’re still called to share the gospel. What does the Bible say is to be proclaimed? Who’s responsibility is it? What happens if we disobey this text? Even more serious, what could happen if we obeyed this Scripture? Pastor Bryan deals with all of this and much more in his sermon, “Proclaim the Gospel, Always” here:

Listen to the entire current series or find sermons from past series sermon archives on this website. And subscribe our sermon feed on iTunes, Google Music, Spotify, TuneIn, or on the RSS feed and never miss a sermon!


2019 UISBC Ideas Lunch


Announcements, 8/1