1 John -- "Walk in the Light" (1 John 1:1-2:6)


We started a new series this morning. It’s a seven-sermon journey through the First Epistle of John. This small book is packed full of great stuff from the Lord, so in this series, we’re going to read large sections of Scripture as a part of our regular worship service. In today’s sermon, Pastor Bryan preached 1 John 1:1-2:6. He exposited the tangible nature of our walk with Jesus. He answered the question why proclamation is joyful. And he looked at the message of Christ, which is a true message of hope. There’s a great heresy in the church today and he discussed that too. If you weren’t able to join us, below are some links to resources so you can still engage with this Text and this sermon series.

In addition, we are going to start showing some family introductions and testimonies as a way for our unified faith-family to get to know one another. If you’d be willing to introduce yourself and give a testimony of some kind, please let Pastor Mike or Pastor Bryan know. Here’s a video so you can get to know the Miller family:

We had some technical difficulties with our live-stream today. YouTube and our software didn’t seem to want to communicate. However, our team hit record and we managed to get most of the service. If you’d like to watch that, you can do so here (otherwise, just the sermon is below).

Of if you’d prefer to jump straight to Pastor Bryan’s sermon, you can do so with this video:

Or listen to the audio-only recording of the sermon here:

If you’d like to listen to the sermon through your podcast app, subscribe to our sermon feeds on iTunes, Stitcher, SpotifyTuneIn, on the RSS feed, or wherever you listen to podcast and never miss a sermon!  Do you prefer watching the sermon on YouTube? Consider subscribing to our channel here and find all of Redeeming Life's videos here


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