UISBC State Missions Offering

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We are taking up a special offering for the York-Dillman UISBC State Missions Offering. This annual offering is named after J.B. York and Opal and Harold Dillman. York was a missionary who established Independence Flat Baptist Church in Idaho in 1887. The Dillmans were missionaries who planted Rosevelt Baptist Church 1944.

100% of the funds collected for this state missions offering will be sent directly to the Utah-Idaho Southern Baptist Convention for the purposes of Sharing Christ, Starting Churches, and Strengthening Churches.

Redeeming Life (and Good Shepherd Fellowship who unified with Redeeming Life) have used funds from this offering to conduct mission activities and plant churches. These are locally collected funds that stay right in here in Utah and Idaho.

There are three ways you can give to this special offering:

1. You can give on-line. Go to https://onrealm.org/rlc/Give and be sure to select “SBC State Missions Offering” in the drop down. Complete and submit the secure form.

2. You can text. Text “RCL $(amount)” to 73256. (Be sure to change amount to the dollar figure you want to give.) You’ll be texted back a secure link. Select “SBC State Missions Offering” in the drop down, complete the form, and submit.

3. You can give by check or cash. Designate “SBC Mission Offering” in the memo line or on an envelope containing the cash. Place your check or cash in the offering plate on Sunday. Or you may mail checks to 696 N. 400 E., Bountiful, Utah 84010.

Thanks for your faithful support of the mission work in Utah and Idaho.


1 John -- "Walk in the Light" (1 John 1:1-2:6)


One Plus One Equals. . . "More Family" (Romans 12:10)