It's Time to Join a Fellowship Group

Fellowship Groups at Redeeming Life are small groups of people gathering together to know, live, and proclaim the gospel. They might meet at the church building on Sunday mornings or mid-week, or they might meet in homes, coffee shops, grocery store deli areas, restaurants, break rooms, or anywhere else small groups can meet. They include opportunities to know the Word, pray, fellowship with other believers, and grow closer to God. We believe it is important for every follower of Jesus to be in a Fellowship Group because Sunday is just not enough time in the week to grow closer to God.

COVID has made gathering with a Fellowship Group challenging, but not impossible. Presently, Pastor Mike Pless is leading a Fellowship Group that meets at the Redeeming Life Church building at 6:30 PM on Wednesday nights. They are studying their way through the book of Genesis, using the Answers in Genesis study materials.

We have three more Fellowship Groups starting on December 13th. They’ll meet at the church building at 9:45 AM on Sunday mornings.

Perri Nelson is leading a Sunday morning Fellowship Group that will study their way through the book of Isaiah. Cindy Kalakis is leading a Sunday morning Fellowship Group exploring Max Lucado’s book, Grace: More Than We Deserve, Greater Than We Imagine. (Books are $7.) And Adrian Crumb is leading a Sunday morning Fellowship Group that will journey through the book of Acts. Find more information on Realm.

All of the groups meeting in our church building are practicing social-distancing, mask wearing, and other safety protocols in an attempt to slow the spread of coronavirus. The Wednesday night Fellowship Group is also available on Zoom.

As COVID restrictions begin to lift, we hope to see Fellowship Groups starting in homes up and down the Wasatch Front. Keep an eye out for more info and start praying about which Fellowship Group is right for you.

If you have questions or would like to connect, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’d love to get you connected.


Honoring Pastor Mike Pless and His Legacy


Meet the Cathermans