"Joy" (Luke 2:1-14)

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On Sunday, Pastor Mike Pless preached Luke 2:1-14 and what the Bible has to say about joy. While you can always watch our live-stream at 11 AM. But if you weren’t able to catch that, you can watch or listen to just the sermon or view a recording of the entire service. Our sermon is available an audio recording of the sermon is available wherever you listen to podcasts. Just search for “Sermons of Redeeming Life Church.” Or you can listen to pastor Mike’s sermon here:

Or if you’d rather watch the video, you an find it on Vimeo or YouTube or below.

Or maybe you’d prefer to watch the entire morning’s worship service, to include the announcements, Pastor Robbie’s worship set, and more, you can view that here:

If you’d like to listen to the sermon through your podcast app, subscribe to our sermon feeds on iTunes, Stitcher, Spotify, TuneIn, on the RSS feed, or wherever you listen to podcast and never miss a sermon! Do you prefer watching the sermon on YouTube? Consider subscribing to our channel here and find all of Redeeming Life's videos here.


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