Parking Lot Prayer, Worship, and Fellowship
We're gathering at 6:30 PM tonight (May 3, 2020) in the parking lot of Good Shepherd Fellowship. (696 North 400 East, Bountiful, Utah 84010)
Participants will be supplied with a handout with song lyrics, info, and some safety instructions as they pull in. The greater will be wearing a mask and gloves. Some of information on that bulletin is also available on our YouVersion Bible App event. You can find that here.
In order to gather safely, we must follow state and local guidance. While we absolutely want you to participate with us, it's very important that we all follow the instructions posted below. If you can't follow these rules or are unwilling, we simply ask that you remain at home and participate with us over the Zoom link. The Zoom link is available in Realm or you may get it from Pastor Bryan or Pastor Mike (Good Shepherd Fellowship).
See you there!
We are operating under the state and local guidelines for “Culture, Entertainment, & Sports Venues” which allow for modified church gatherings to include those over 20 persons.
By entering, you understand and agree to the following:
- If you are ill, we ask that you return home and take part via Zoom.
- You must stay at least 6-feet from all people outside your household, including children. 10-feet or more must be kept between family seating areas on the grass.
- Bathrooms are not available.
- Entry into the building is prohibited (with exception to the speakers and musicians).
- We encourage you to wear a mask as much as it possible, especially when moving between your seating area or outside your car.
- You must agree to submit to all instructions of the leaders of this event while at this event.