What Do You Think About Gathering Again?
Today, Governor Herbert released updated guidelines regarding public church gatherings in Utah. (“Phased Guidelines for the General Public and Businesses to Maximize Public Health and Economic Reactivation Version 4.1”)
Basically, churches can gather indoors in groups of any size so long as a strict 6-foot distance between family groups is maintained. People can’t congregate in lobbies or other spaces, and there won’t be children’s release time (in other words, kids stay with their family). Signs and extra cleaning are required.
Pastor Mike Pless and I have discussed some options and are working through all the details for Redeeming Life and Good Shepherd Fellowship. We would really like to hear from you. Please help us by completing this survey. If you have questions or would like to discuss any of this with us, please don’t hesitate to give us a call, email, or contact me on Realm or through the communication option on our website. Also, if I don’t have your contact info and you’d like to connect or keep in the loop, please consider providing your name and contact info. Otherwise, this survey is anonymous.
Thank you!
Pastor Bryan
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