When It Comes to COVID, We Can Do Better
Among other things, the Coronavirus has exposed either excessive fear or excessive rebellion in our hearts. For some, it has exposed both.
On one end, there are Christians so afraid of COVID-19 they are debilitated and unable to function in any healthy way. On the other side, being told what to do (or not to do) gives birth to an ugly rebellion dragon. (I confess, rebellion surfaces in my heart when I'm told I have to wear a mask.) Both ends of this spectrum are a problem for the Christian. As a church, we must find the right balance within the Spirit of Romans 13:1-15:13. (Pause for a moment and read these verses of God's Word.)
Let me discuss the reality of the recent rise in cases of COVID-19 in Utah.
Redeeming Life Church and Good Shepherd Fellowship are in the process of unification as a single local church. We must care for and serve one another as Christ has done for us. When we become one church, about 70% of the members will be in the high-risk category. This is not just about age, but even things like respiratory issues and pregnancy. Most of this new congregation has yet to gather in-person. As brothers and sisters in Christ, we need to do what we can to create a safe environment for the entire church who are (or will soon be) willing to gather.
We do an okay job with social distancing and wearing masks when we arrive. But then our guard starts to drop. When the service is over, we forget to practice social distancing. In our joy to connect, we put our brothers and sisters in danger. When we gather for meals in homes, we get too close, to comfortable, and forget about coronavirus.
For the good of the entire body, and as your pastor, I have to ask that you practice 6-foot social distancing, wear a mask when appropriate and necessary, wash your hands, avoiding touching, and use sanitizer, and gently remind your faith-family too.
Out of love for others inside and outside of our faith-family, we ought to practice these things even beyond our Sunday gatherings and meals together in our homes. Out of respect for the government leaders God has placed over us, we should do as our Governor has asked and be smart about this, doing better with masks and social distancing.
The state may be making changes soon. We likely need to make some adjustments, too. I pray you will keep this in your prayers and remain vigilant about social distancing and wearing a mask. I'm not asking you to be afraid or rebellious. Just mature and caring.
For the King!
Pastor Bryan