Update for Safe, In-Person Worship Gatherings


After reviewing updated state and CDC guidelines, research, and suggestions, Pastor Michael and Pastor Bryan have moved chairs, installed hand sanitizing stations, purchased disposable masks, and implemented some practices for both churches to safely gather for Sunday Worship together.

As of the date of this point, here are some things to know:

1. If you are ill or have any symptoms or signs of COVID-19/coronavirus, or if you have recently been exposed to someone who has tested positive for coronavirus, please remain home. Please take advantage of the worship from home on-line resources to include Zoom and pre-recorded services. 

2. Pastor Mike and Pastor Bryan highly encourage that you wear a mask as you go to and from your seat. If you are comfortable doing so, please consider wearing a mask the entire time you are in the church building. (We will provide disposable masks to anyone who forgets a mask or does not own one.) 

3. While there will be music, there will be no congregational signing during the service. There is no children's ministry or nursery services. Please do not shake hands, hug, or fist bump.  All of these things are high on the list of ways Coronavirus spreads. 

4. Doors will be opened for you so you will not need to touch a door.  Please do not stop in the lobby.  There will not be a bulletin or other handed out items. Sanitizer stations are available should you come in to contact with anything other people have recently touched.

5. We have made a high-risk section.  Masks are required in this section. The rows are spaced 7' apart and the aisle is 8' wide, separating this high-risk section from the main section.  Only one family unit may sit in each row.  (There are only 4 seats per row.) 

6. There is a section reserved for families with young children. Coloring sheets and crayons are available, pew Bibles and hymnals have been pulled and there is a wide space for children to be on the floor if necessary. If you are not a family with young children, please do not sit in this section.  

7. Each row in the main section is 6' from every other row. There is also 6' between the end seats, so a single person can use an end seat and still remain at a safe distance from a single person on the other end of the same row. If more than the end seats are needed, than we ask that there be only one family unit per row.

8. People will be dismissed following the service and following a fellowship-from-our-seats time.  (After the worship service, we’ll be coordinating a check-in, get to know you, ask questions, thing. We'll stay in our seats for this.)  At these dismissals, we ask that make your way outside. There can be no congregating in the building.

9. An offering collection plate is available at the back of the room if you would like to leave an offering.  We still encourage that you give your offering on-line or you may mail it.  Also, we’re really thankful for those continuing to support our ministry though your faith tithes and offering. 

10. We will not participate in the Lord's Supper at this time. Pastor Mike and Pastor Bryan will be working on safe ways to do so in the future.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact Good Shepherd Fellowship or Redeeming Life Church. We hope these safety measure allow you to safely worship together. Also, we pray we see you as soon as you are comfortable worshiping in-person. 


Mark: "Trust and Obey" (Mark 6:53-56 )


When It Comes to COVID, We Can Do Better