"Eyes to See" (Mark 8:22-26)
God opens the eyes of the blind. Blindness and sight, darkness and light, is a significant theme running through the entire Bible. Genesis opens with “Let there be Light.” John’s prologue tells us that the Light was coming into the world. In Revelation, there is no need for the sun, moon, and stars because God is the light of the city and it never goes dark. These are but a small survey of examples from beginning, middle, and end.
As we continue to offer a pre-recorded sermon by way of videos, we see yet another example. As the thread of this theme runs thought Mark 8:22-26, Jesus gives a blind man his sight. The placement of this account within the chapter is illuminating. Think about what has come before. What come immediately after?
Watch this sermon as Pastor Bryan Catherman explores the next section of Scripture in our series through the book of Mark. In his sermon, “Eyes to See” (Mark 8:22-26), he deals with this theme and shares why we must respond accordingly. Watch his sermon below or follow this link to listen to the audio-only version.
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