One Plus One Equals: "More Opportunity" (Luke 3:1-20)


Happy Lord's Day!  

This morning at 11 AM, Pastor Mike is preaching the next sermon in our new series, "One Plus One Equals. . ."  In today's sermon, he'll preach Luke 3:1-20 to show us that 1 + 1 = More Opportunity.  If you are not experiencing symptoms of COVID/Coronavirus, we hope you'll join us for our worship gathering.  We're continuing to practice social-distancing in the building and we strongly encourage that you wear a mask, at least until you have reached your seat for the service. 

If you are unable to join us, you can watch the service on Zoom, or if we don't have too many technical problems this morning, you can watch on our Redeeming Life LIVE-STREAM.   (A Zoom link is available on Realm.) 

We'll also have our House of Prayer time at 9:45 AM in the Fellowship Hall.  You can participate on Zoom if you're unable to make it. (A Zoom link is available on Realm.) 

And don’t forget our worship from home YouTube play list. Find it on our YouTube Channel.

May you be blessed and have a wonderful Lord's Day! 


Pastor Mike's Sermon: "More Opportunity" (Luke 3:1-20)


"Eyes to See" (Mark 8:22-26)