Baptism Sunday Scheduled for September 20th

On Sunday, September 20th, we are having a baptism service. It might not be like any of us are used to given the COVID disruption, but it will be a part of our service and, as always, it will be a great celebration. If you profess Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior but have never followed Jesus in believer’s baptism, please let Pastor Bryan or Pastor Mike know ASAP! We’d love to chat with you about baptism and include you in our baptism service.

And just for fun, we thought we’d share a video from Tiffany Davis’ baptism during the COVID quarantine. What a great reminder that the work of God’s Kingdom continues and faithful followers of Jesus continue moving forward on their Christian journey despite the challenges.

If you’re in the mood to celebrate baptism, how about a walk down memory lane. Remember Ming and Mellissa’s baptism night? How about Savanah’s baptism? What about the day when Jonathan, John, and Ed were baptized? It’s a joy to see all the kids gathered around when Daniel was baptized. DJ, Rainey, and Melanie’s baptism day was a great celebration. Remember those unheated baptisms at the Community Center or in backyard pool or the portable baptistry at another church building? And who could forget Brandon’s raised arms coming out of the water during his Easter baptism? Of course, there have been many more and many at the FSBC/Good Shepherd before the unification (lots without videos). But let those posted here serve as a reminder of the joy we’ve shared as we walk with those faithfully following in believer’s baptism.


Wednesday Night Fellowship Group, Starting September 16th


Giving: Clearing Up Any Confusion