Wednesday Night Fellowship Group, Starting September 16th

On Wednesday, September 16th, Pastor Mike is launching a Wednesday Night Fellowship group in the fellowship hall at Redeeming Life. He'll continue in an Answers in Genesis study he started before COVID and the unification. Even if you weren't a part of that previous study, you can join this group and quickly pick it up. After this material, he'll start a new Answers in Genesis study. It's a look at the biblical worldview. Pastor Bryan will be joining him because we love team ministry!

This fellowship group is open to anyone, but presently, there's no childcare available. This group will also be available on Zoom (the link will be supplied on Realm and by email). As you'd expect, the space will be socially distanced, and we ask that you wear a mask on your way in and out of the building (you can take it off when you've reached your socially distanced seat.) Also, for now, please consider bringing your own coffee or snacks as we continue to seek ways of slowing the spread of coronavirus.  

"Isn't this a re-launching?"  

No. Our unification and the COVID disruption means that even if things look a little like they used to, everything is starting fresh. Social distancing, Zoom, and a group of new folks means we're starting something new, not bringing back something pre-COVID/ and pre-unification.  

"What's a fellowship group?" 

In Acts 2:42, we read that the early church was dedicated to the apostle's teaching (for us, this is the Bible), the fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayer. In recent years, Christians have compartmentalized the fellowship into Sunday school, Bible studies, small groups, Wednesday night meals, book clubs, potlucks, and different kinds of social events. We think it's helpful to remove those lines and call all of these smaller regular gatherings with our brothers and sisters fellowship groups. These should have some aspect of study but also prayer and connecting. They should be gatherings for mutual encouragement and edification. Of course, they can and should include Sunday school, Bible studies, gatherings in homes, but also meetings in coffee shops, in the church building, and anywhere else saints are gathering as we see in Acts 2:42.  

If you have questions about the Wednesday Night Fellowship Group with Pastor Mike, please don't hesitate to connect with us and ask or reach out to him directly. 


Mark: "The Gospel Is Offensive" (Mark 8:31-33)


Baptism Sunday Scheduled for September 20th