"The Need for God's Word" (1 Peter 2:1-14)


We were blessed today as Pastor Robbie Tschorn preached 1 Peter 2:1-14. This Text compels the Christian to desire God and God’s Word. When we do that, we look and behave a certain way. And we become a priesthood to the world, a holy nation and God’s witnesses. In his sermon, “The Need for God’s Word,” Pastor Robbie shows us how significant our identity and desires truly are. If you weren’t able to join us, you can still listen or watch the sermon, or you can watch the entire service, to include the announcements, worship, Pastor Josiah’s ordination, and more.

Listen to the sermon here (or ask Google or Alexa to “play sermons of Redeeming Life podcast”:


Or if you’d like to watch the enter live-stream, which includes Pastor Robbie leading us in worship, Pastor Josiah’s ordination prayer, announcements, and the Lord’s Supper, please watch this video:

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Q&A: What is Ordination?


Announcement of Ministries for 2/7/2021