"The Church in Covenant Relationship" (1 Peter 5:1-5)
In his sermon, “The Church in Covenant Relationship” (1 Peter 5:1-5), Pastor Mike Pless examines the relationship between the Elders/Pastors and Jesus’ flock in the local church. This is God’ plan for the church. What is the responsibility of the Pastors? What is the responsibility of the congregation? In 1 Peter 5:1-5, there are four verses for the Pastors and one verse for the flock. When we get these responsibilities right, the church is far better equipped to do what God has called of it. If you weren’t able to join us for our worship service, we’d still like to encourage you to listen to or watch Pastor Mike’s sermon. You may also watch the entire service live-stream, which includes some announcements of ministries, reading, prayers, and Pastor Robbie Tschorn leading the church in corporate worship. Please, consider joining us in person for corporate worship.
Listen to Pastor Mike’s sermon here:
Watch the sermon here:
Or watch the full-live stream recording here:
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