Announcement of Ministries for 4/18/2021
FAMILY MEETING | We’ll have a brief Family Meeting following the worship service on April 25th. In this meeting, the Church Council will bring a list of transitional members desiring to covenant together in Redeeming Life Covenant Membership moving forward. If you were a member in good standing at Good Shepherd Fellowship or Redeeming Life Church on August 9, 2020 and would like to covenant with the merged church, please let the Church Council or Pastor Bryan know ASAP. If you were not a member at that time but would like to be, see the announcement about our membership classes.
MEMBERSHIP CLASS | Are you interested in becoming a covenant member at Redeeming Life Church? Pastor Bryan and Pastor Josiah are leading a 2-week membership class starting after the worship service on April 18th. Lunch is provided so please RSVP on Realm or let Pastor Bryan know you will be there. The second part of the class will include attending the Family Meeting on April 25th and then meeting for the class. Pease contact Pastor Bryan if you have any questions.
JOINING THE WORSHIP TEAM? | Do you have an interested to be a part of the Audio / Visual Team and/or Musical Worship Team at Redeeming Life Church? If so, Pastor Robbie is hosting an interest gathering that will take place Friday the 23rd of April at 6:30pm. Please RSVP on Realm or let Pastor Robbie know you’d like to be there. Direct any questions to Pastor Robbie.
SALT LAKE SCHOOL OF THEOLOGY | SLST is offering a fully-accredited Masters of Theological Essentials through Gateway Seminary. Pastor Josiah and Pastor Robbie have already applied and I suspect we may have some others among our faith-family. Redeeming Life Church would like to be an equipping, sending, multiplying church and to get there, we need to raise up and train up local pastors, missionaries, and leaders. This is a great way to help us with our task. If you’d like to help support the theological education of these folks, you can make a tax-deductible donation to give to “Minister in Residence” on-line (via Realm) or write “Minister in Residence” in the memo of your donation check. (Learn more about SLST at
CONNECTION CARDS | You’ll find two kinds of Connection Cards at the church building. One is a large card you can write on and leave in the offering/connection box. It’s used for updating your information, requesting information, or sharing prayer requests. The other Connection Card is a bookmark with important contact information printed on the back. You’ll find links to join Realm, sign up for RightNow Media, share prayer requests, contact the pastors, and more. Please share these bookmarks with your friends.
WHO ARE WE? | We are a church that hopes to see our community redeemed by the power of the gospel. Redeeming Life Church exists to know, live, and proclaim the gospel. We believe the God’s Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the inerrant story of the redemptive history of God—otherwise known as the gospel. To be people who are immersed in knowing, living, and proclaiming the gospel, we follow the instructions of Christ to love God, love people, and make disciples.
RIGHTNOW MEDIA | Would you like a free subscription to RightNow Media? RightNow Media is a streaming service available on your smart TV, tablet and phone apps, or on your computer. There are over 15,000 Bible studies, history videos, series to help you with life, thousands of children’s cartoons, conferences, and much more. We’d like to offer you a free subscription. Please visit to sign up.
QUESTIONS ABOUT FOLLOWING JESUS? | If you have questions about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, we would like to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Pastors and ministry staff, a Fellowship Group leader, a Worship Team leader, or other Redeeming Life member to discuss what it means to be a Christian. We’d love to try to answer any questions you might have and pray with you.