"Angels are Swell But Jesus is Better" (Hebrews 1:4-2:1)


In our second week of our 33-week series through the book of Hebrews, Pastor Bryan Catherman preached Hebrews 1:4-2:1. In this section of Scripture, we learn that Jesus is superior to angels. We also see the importance of being attentive to the Word of God, for knowing God’s Truth keeps us from drifting away from the faith. Listen to Pastor Bryan’s sermon, “Angels are Swell but Jesus is Better” (Hebrews 1:4-2:1) here:

Or if you’d prefer, you may watch the sermon on Vimeo here:

Or if you’d like, you may watch the entire recording of the live-stream that played at 11 AM on YouTube, Facebook, and our website. Here’s the recording:

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Announcement of Ministries for 4/25/2021


Announcement of Ministries for 4/18/2021