"Out of the Shadow" (Hebrews 10:1-4)
Pastor Bryan Catherman preached our Sunday morning sermon from Hebrews 10:1-4. In his sermon, “Out of the Shadow” (Hebrews 10:1-4) he focuses on one clause of the first verse. What does it mean that the Law is but a shadow of the good thing to come? And what does this mean regarding how we see Jesus today compared to how we will see in in eternity?
This sermon is part of our series through the book of Hebrews. It’s the study we are doing during our Sunday morning worship service. You may watch or listen to this sermon here or with the resources below. You may also watch the full recorded live-stream, which includes announcements, prayers, the offering, as well as musical worship led by Tiffany Davis.
Or you may listen to the sermon here or through your favorite podcast provider.
Of if you’re prefer, here’s the full recorded services via our live-stream.
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