Residencies and Internships at Redeeming Life Church
Over the years we’ve had students, potential church planters, or hopeful men seeking to become pastors reach out to Redeeming Life Church for internship and residency opportunities. Many times we end up designing the internship or residency to fit the candidate’s needs, but often fail do meet our own needs or put together the best residency or internship possible.
Some of our interns and residents have had good experiences and even gone on to great ministries. Pastor Josiah has essentially had a five or six year “residency” and we are presently fund-raising with the hope of brining him on our staff as a full-time pastor. Yet, in every case thus far, we know we could have done better. Therefore, we’ve worked on our residency and internship programs to bring about great improvements.
If you are looking for a residency or internship, here are some options at Redeeming Life Church:
Internship (Summer or Shorter Periods)
Worship Leader Residency (One Year)
Children’s Ministry Residency (One Year)
Youth Ministry Residency (One Year)
Preaching Residency (One Year)
Church Planting/Revitalization Residency (Two to Three Years)