Announcement of Ministries for 7/3
MONTHLY MEN’S BREAKFAST | On the first Saturday of every month at 9 AM, the Men of Redeeming Life are gathering at Ramblin’ Roads restaurant (544 W 400 N, Bountiful, UT 84010) for breakfast and fellowship. Each guy covers the cost of his own breakfast.
FAMILY MEETING | Our next family meeting is right after our morning worship service on July 10th. We will vote to affirm Josiah Walker as an Elder, share some recommendations for Deacons, and discuss other church-related business.
PREPARING FOR THE LORD’S DAY | As you anticipate our worship gathering on the Lord’s Day, consider praying for our service, reading the Text for the sermon, and preparing your heart and mind for worship with the Body of Christ. On Sunday, we’ll sing Nothing But the Blood, 10,000 Reasons (Bless the Lord), Jesus Thank You, and His Mercy is More. Pastor Bryan will preach Romans 3:21-26.
FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE | With so many traveling and out of town on July 3rd, there will be no children’s ministry offered. However, we will have snacks and coloring sheets available and we’ll be mindful of the kids in the service to make it an enjoyable family worship.
SENIOR LUNCHEON | The next Senior Luncheon is scheduled for Monday, July 11th, at 11:30am in the RLC Fellowship Hall. The food is provided. Join us for fellowship and fun. Please RSVP on Realm or sign up in the lobby so we get a good count for the food.
BAPTISM | If you would like to follow Jesus in believer’s baptism, please let us know. We’d love to help you faithfully follow Jesus.
NEXTGEN (YOUTH) MOVING TO SUNDAYS | Starting July 10th, NextGen is moving to Sunday nights. They’ll still meet at the church building from 6:30 PM to 8 PM, and they’ll continue their journey through the book of John. Please see more info on Realm or direct your questions to Pastor Josiah.
QUESTIONS ABOUT FOLLOWING JESUS? | If you have questions about what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ, we would like to help. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to our Pastors and ministry staff, a Fellowship Group leader, a Worship Team leader, or other Redeeming Life member to discuss what it means to be a Christian. We’d love to try to answer any questions you might have and pray with you.
ONLINE GIVING | If you would like to worship through faithful giving and give online, log into your Realm account and select the giving tab. If you’re not a Realm user, you may visit We appreciate your faithful giving and we hope you might consider setting up a reoccurring giving schedule.
YOUR NEXT STEPS | We believe the Christian journey at Redeeming Life Church is a wonderful way for you to grow as a Christian and get involved with our faith-family at Redeeming Life Church. Are you taking the next step in your journey? What’s your next step? 1. Worship weekly with the faith-family. 2. Engage in weekly Bible study with others. 3. Join a Fellowship Group. 4 Serve the faith-family. 5. Live on mission. Are you willing to take the next simple step on your journey with Jesus?
CONNECTION CARDS | You’ll find two kinds of Connection Cards at the church building. One is a large card you can write on and leave in the offering/connection box. It’s used for updating your information, requesting information, or sharing prayer requests. The other Connection Card is a bookmark with important contact information printed on the back. You’ll find links to join Realm, sign up for RightNow Media, share prayer requests, contact the pastors, and more. Please share these bookmarks with your friends.