Praying Through Romans 16:17-23
As you read and meditate on Romans 16:19-23 in preparation for our Lord's Day gathering and worship, you'll probably notice how connected this is to Romans 16:17-18. I want to offer you some prayer prompts from Romans 16:19-23. I hope they are a blessing to you.
Here's how you can pray through and using Romans 16:17-23:
Pray for discernment in the church to recognize and reject teachings that deviate from biblical truth. And pray that you would have discernment to know what is the gospel and what is contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Seek God's help in fostering unity within the church, centered on the gospel and the teachings of God's Word.
Ask our Lord for wisdom in what is good and innocence in what is evil, following the biblical exhortation of verse 19.
Plead for God's protection for the Redeeming Life against those who cause divisions and obstacles contrary to the doctrine. That him that we don't seem to have much, if any, of this right now.
Pray for strengthening faith in our congregation, especially in the face of false teachings and worldly influences in Utah.
Give thanks for those in RLC who serve faithfully and with joy.
Seek the Lord's power to overcome evil, remembering the promise of God crushing Satan under our feet.
Pray for wisdom, integrity, and godly character for our church leaders and volunteers to guide RLC in truth, love, and faithfulness.
Ask the Lord for a deepened sense of hope and anticipation for Christ's return and the ultimate victory over evil.
Pray for a spirit of fellowship and community within the church, reflecting the relational aspect of the early church.
Please ask for God's assistance in growing in spiritual maturity, being wise in good and innocent in evil.
Pray for a steadfast commitment to biblical teaching and learning at Redeeming Life Church. Pray that we center the church's life and doctrine on Christ and his gospel.