Lost In Privilege (Romans 9:1-5)
On Sunday, March 5th, Pastor Bryan Catherman preached Romans 9:1-5. In his sermon, "Lost In Privilege", he set the stage for chapters 9 through 11 of Romans where Paul answers many theologically heavy questions. Romans 9:1-5 addresses the nation of Israel - Paul’s kinsmen; his “flesh and blood” - and how Paul was grieved over their spiritual state. In the same way, Christians should be concerned, heart broken for the souls of lost family, friends, coworkers and whoever God places on their heart. And though heartbroken, they must also remember and trust in the fact that God is a God who saves. Listen to the sermon here:
We apologize for the sound quality of this sermon audio. Due to the audio we will not be able to provide a sermon video clip this week. Thank you for listening and for your understanding.
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