Bibles, Marquees, and School Boards
Our Lord has a mysterious way of working things out, especially in the minute details that often go unnoticed and uncelebrated. Each Monday morning, our staff plans four Sundays to include what we put on each side of the marquee. Pastor Josiah will sometimes have eight, nine, or even ten weeks of ideas noted in our planning software. Betty Cameron's memorial bumped around some of Josiah's best-laid plans. Certain ideas were delayed.
Finally, last Sunday morning, the message, "Store the Bible in Your Heart Not on a Shelf," went up on the marquee. The following Thursday morning, local news broke, informing us that Davis County School District—where we live—had pulled the Bibles off the shelves of all elementary and junior high libraries. But God had it all worked out.
People would have ignored the statement on our church sign any other week. They'd drive by and forget it all. However, a stranger pulled over to take a picture this morning. Others have mentioned it. It is catching attention; people likely think we put it up in response to the school district's decision. Nope. If those who drove by on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday were to think back, they might realize the sign hasn't changed since Sunday.
God has the whole thing rigged. It didn't come as a surprise to God, nor should how he works, even in the little things, come as a surprise to us.