Announcement of Ministries 8/27/23
PREPARING FOR THE LORD’S DAY | As you anticipate our worship gathering on the Lord’s Day, consider praying for our service, reading the text for the sermon, and preparing your heart and mind for worship with the Body of Christ. We’ll be singing Holy Holy Holy, Glorious, Good & Gracious King, and God Is For us. We will also be continuing our series “Put On Christ” this Sunday as Pastor Bryan delivers a message centered on 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 and we will celebrate together as we witness the proclamation of the gospel through believer’s baptism.
CLASS HOUR | For those interested in growing in their faith, we have a class hour on Sunday mornings from 9:30am-10:30am before our 11:00am Worship Gathering. These classes cover a wide array of various subjects. There are classes for kids from birth through high school and four different adult studies as well. More details can be found on Realm or you can contact one of our pastors with any questions.
JOIN THE MUSIC TEAM | The musicians and AV techs leading us in musical worship are a great group, but they’re praying for a few more talented people. If God is calling you to lead our faith-family to worship the Lord through music or AV work, please contact Robbie.
ONLINE GIVING | If you would like to worship through faithful giving and give online, log into your Realm account and select the giving tab. If you’re not a Realm user, you may visit We appreciate your faithful giving and we hope you might consider setting up a reoccurring giving schedule.
MISSION SUPPORT | We love sending qualified preachers to fill pulpits, serve as interim pastors, help with sabbaticals, and any other way we can help area churches. If you'd like to financially support our effort to bless churches in Utah and Idaho, you can contribute to our "Mission Support" fund by visiting Be sure to select the "Mission Support" fund in the dropdown. Or you may send checks to Redeeming Life Church with "Mission Support Fund" in the memo line.
KEEP UP WITH WHAT’S HAPPENING | Realm has email options that serve to keep you informed with what’s happening at Redeeming Life. Select your settings so you get everything in a specific group, just updates, or a daily digest (one email per day with a summary). The mobile app has options for push notifications. Realm is our official location for church announcements so if you want to keep up with what’s happening, Realm is where it’s at.
YOUVERSION BIBLE APP | Do you use the YouVersion Bible App? Did you know Redeeming Life provides and Event with Scriptures and other information so you can follow along with the sermon? You can even save it during our service time and come back to it later. Find our Event in the YouVersion Bible App.
CSB BIBLE TRANSLATION | While we love many Bible translations at Redeeming Life Church, officially, we preach out of the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) most of the time. It’s not that we think this translation is perfect or the best, but that we settled on a specific translation, so you could bring a Bible and follow along if that’s your preference. We also like both the CSB Study Bible and the ESV Study Bible, although we don’t argue that either are perfect.
WHO ARE WE? | We are a church that hopes to see our community redeemed by the power of the gospel. Redeeming Life Church exists to know, live, and proclaim the gospel. We believe the God’s Word from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21 is the inerrant story of the redemptive history of God—otherwise known as the gospel. To be people who are immersed in knowing, living, and proclaiming the gospel, we read, pray, sing, and preach God’s word.
STRUGGLING? | If you are struggling under the weight of life’s circumstances, sin, or spiritual attack, you don’t have to go through it alone. God’s Church is his family, and we are here to help. If you are struggling, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your Fellowship Group Leader, another Covenant Member, or one of our Pastors. We will pray with you, walk alongside you, set up a time for Pastoral care or formal counseling. You are not alone.