"Stay Connected!" (John 15:1-8)

What did Jesus mean when he told his disciples, “I am the vine…you are the branches”? How does being connected to Christ affect our prayer life? How can abiding in Christ change our outlook on life?

In his sermon, “Stay Connected!” (John 15:1-8), Pastor Josiah answers these questions as he shares how apart from Christ, we will never be able to accomplish anything of eternal significance.

Apart from Christ our ship is sunk. Apart from the vine, the branches (non-believers) wither and die. They are gathered up and thrown into the fire. These words from Christ serve as a reminder of the final judgement that is yet to come. For those who reject Christ, the struggles of this life, are blessings compared to what awaits them in eternity. However, for those of us who remain in Christ, and who are kept by Him, our lives are completely transformed and renewed each day. When we abide in Christ, He changes us and sanctifies us as we mature and grow in our Christian journey. Listen to the sermon here:

Watch the sermon here:

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Live music played during this service, live-stream, Zoom meeting, or recorded service is either in the public domain and/or we have been granted permission under our CCLI license #11214398 and CCLI streaming license #20733671. Pre-recorded songs preformed by Nathan Drake are in the public domain and Nathan Drake has granted permission for their use in this live stream, namely, to be "freely used by churches and individuals for live and recorded worship and the preparation of worship services."


Announcement of Ministries 6/16/2024


Announcement of Ministries 6/9/2024