“God’s Design is Divine” (1 Timothy 2:8-15)
What is the role of women in the church? Does our appearance and the clothing we wear matter when it comes to worshiping God? How do we decipher the difference between cultural relevance and timeless principles when it comes to studying God’s word?
In his sermon, “God’s Design is Divine,” centered on 1 Timothy 2:8-15, Pastor Josiah addresses these questions as he examines the instructions from Paul to Timothy regarding how Godly women are to function both within and outside the church
In his message, Pastor Josiah shared that when we carefully survey God’s word, we can clearly see that God has a divine design for both men and women that is honors Him and compliments one another. There are timeless principles found in creation that still apply to our lives today. When it comes to determining how we should live our lives and determine the things that God has called us to do, we must always allow God’s Word to be the voice that speaks into our world rather than letting the culture around us speak into God’s Word. Listen to the sermon here:
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