Leviticus Starts Sunday (1:1-6:7)
Redeeming Life Church,
I hope you are as excited as I am. We've arrived at the front door of our Leviticus series and on Sunday, we'll step through.
Leviticus is a very interesting book. You probably don't believe me because you've read it. But it's my hope to change your view of this book. I believe when you see Jesus on the pages of this book, and more significantly, how much more remarkable we see Jesus because of how much we understand Leviticus, you will love this book. That's my prayer anyway.
Here's an update video and then I'll share some thoughts for this week:
As we look at Leviticus 1:1-6:7 we'll read about a lot of blood. There are lots of instructions for killing and burning animals. There are also instructions for burning grain too. To be more specific, there's the Burnt Offering, the Grain Offering, the Peace Offering, the Sin Offering and the Guilt Offering. Two offerings involved the best cattle, sheep, goats, or birds depending on a person's income. In any case, it would be a costly offering. Another offering, the Peace Offering, did not make provisions for birds, but the other animals were generally the same. The Guilt Offering required a ram. For some the animal had to be a male, for other offerings a male or female would do. Some offerings also required that the offering be perfect.
The Grain Offering was something that often went along with the other offerings. It was about thanksgiving, making a pleasing aroma, and in many ways working in conjunction with the other offerings.
The Burnt Offering left no prevision for the use of any portion of the animal. It all went up in smoke. Other offerings had provisions for the priests to use a portion of the offering. The Peace Offering even allowed the person making the offering to eat a portion.
God gave great detail in how these offerings were to be made. Why? What's the big deal. We'll be discussion that on Sunday.
There is also something going on with the offering being a pleasing aroma. It's stated 9 times in Leviticus 1:1-6:7. What is this about? We'll look at that too, but if you are an overachiever, take a look at Genesis 8:21. And why is there such a bid deal about salt with these offerings? We'll probably be looking at the covenant of salt as well. (It's worth a word study a head of time if you're interested.)
But the real kicker is where we find Jesus in all of this.
We'll be talking about this and much more on Sunday. See you then!
Pastor Bryan Catherman