Mark: "Trust and Obey" (Mark 6:53-56 )
This week, Pastor Bryan preached Mark 6:53-56. (Find that sermon video below.) In addition to his sermon, we’ll be meeting together with Good Shepherd Fellowship for a socially-distanced, in-person worship gathering. Here’s some info so you know what to expect and and what to do to help keep us all safe.
Here are other resources for the Lord’s Day:
Follow this link to the Worship at Home Musical Playlist (YouTube).
Please consider joining us at 9:45 AM for House of Prayer. Find the Zoom link on Realm.
You can also join the Good Shepherd Zoom worship service at 11 AM. Pastor Mike is preaching and there will be some music (although no singing unless you’re at home on Zoom. Pastor Bryan will be leading some parts of the service too. This Zoom link is on Realm too.
Here’s Pastor Bryan’s sermon, “Trust and Obey” (Mark 6:53-65):