Masks Are Missional


Christian, wearing a mask could be the most missional thing you do today. God may use you in a face mask to open opportunities to share the gospel, but sadly, many Christians are slamming the door on these possibilities.

"Masks are a political symbol," I've heard. "Masks are the sign of the beast and are being used by the government as behavioral conditioning."

We all agree masks are uncomfortable, and nobody likes them. Still, cloth masks weren't a political statement or a tool of the devil two years ago when you went to see a baby in the ICU or when your pastor visited a patient with leukemia. Nobody told the nurse she was oppressing your rights. You were okay with the mild discomfort for the safety of the person you loved.

But what if today, masks are an uncomfortable opportunity for the proclamation of the gospel?

Death, fear, and spiritual concern have been on the mind of the world who doesn't know Jesus for months. Many pastors say they are experiencing record numbers of people visiting their website and streaming videos. "We're reaching lost people because of coronavirus," they say. It's not because of the fantastic quality of church videos that are drawing lost people. It's because people have questions, concerns, and fears. God is using the circumstances to bring them to you so you can tell them about Jesus.

People who don't know Jesus and are afraid of dying by way of COVID-19 will feel safer if you practice proper social distancing and wear a mask.

So you're a little uncomfortable wearing a mask. Churches have asked people to be a bit uncomfortable to be missional for years. Be a greeter. Meet someone you don't know today. Invite your neighbors to your house for a meal. Let your co-workers know you are a Christian. Serve at VBS and sing awkward, silly songs in a big funny hat. Share the gospel. Come downtown and do street evangelism. Are these not uncomfortable things for most Christians? Sure!

What if wearing a mask at church services and gatherings would triple attendance and result in many professions of faith, baptisms, and new members? Churches would probably buy a mask for everyone, which would still be easier and less expensive than the last evangelistic outreached they tried.

The Apostle Paul said he would be all things to all people for the sake of the gospel. I wonder if that would include being a person who wore a mask for the benefit of people who feel masks are important? I suspect if that's what it took to get people to hear him preach the True Gospel of the Living God, he would have wore the uncomfortable mask.

But some Christians say wearing a mask is compromising the gospel or submission to the devil. It's not really that. If it were, there would be clear Scripture supporting this position. No. Not wearing a mask is about selfish desires and an unwillingness to share the gospel with people who presently think highly of face covers.

Christian, how about settling down, putting others above yourself, putting on your mask, and preaching the gospel to a world desperately in need of Jesus Christ today. Your mask is a missional opportunity.


"Vain Worship and Cultural Christianity" (Mark 7:1-13)


Mark: "Trust and Obey" (Mark 6:53-56 )