"Vain Worship and Cultural Christianity" (Mark 7:1-13)
We’ll be gathering with Good Shepherd Fellowship for socially-distanced, in-person worship at 11 AM, but don’t forget that we have resources for those remaining at home. If you are planning to attend with us, here’s some info about steps we’re taking to help reduce the spread of coronavirus:
As we continue our series though the book of Mark, we’ve come to Mark 7:1-13. Pastor Bryan looks at this section of Scripture and he calls out present-day traditions of man, which we typically call cultural christianity. Scripture and other materials for this sermon are available on the YouVersion Event. Pastor Bryan’s sermon is available on YouTube or you can watch it here:
If you can’t join us in-person at 11 AM you can still join us on Zoom. Pastor Mike is preaching on race and we’ll have live music from our worship team. The Zoom link is available on Realm.
Don’t forget our worship at home music play list with theologically rich music and words. Listen at home or even sing along. Follow this YouTube link to find the play list.
And please consider joining us at 9:45 AM on Zoom (or socially distanced in the Good Shepherd Fellowship hall) for a check-in and time of prayer. The link (which is not the same as the one for the worship service) is available on Realm.
We hope you have a wonderful Lord’s Day and are able to make is worshipful.